Thursday, December 17, 2009

Barend & Cobie engagement shoot

Cobie het my so paar maande gelede gebel en gevra of ek hulle trouefotos sal neem,. Aangesien ek nie troues doen nie het ek vir haar gese dat ek vir hulle 'n engagement shoot sal doen. En was dit nie 'n plesier nie. Cobie het soveel "props" saam gebring, van balonne, bubbles, hoedjies, 'n sambreel tot 'n bankie. Baie dankie Cobie en Barend vir 'n baie lekker "shoot" en die lekker lag. Dit was lekker om julle te leer ken! Hoop julle geniet die fototjies.....

Monday, December 7, 2009

My early Christmas surprise!

On Friday, after our end of year function, my friend Christine Meintjes surprised me with the most awesome gift ever. A Canon 50D and a 50mm f/1.4 lens. I talked to Christine about buying a camera and she agreed to help me purchase it. I'll be paying her back over time as I do shoots. But I didn't expected it to be so soon. This is so cool! Now I can be trigger happy this holiday. So here is how it happened :

For the past week I've been living with Christine, as I'm only moving into my new flat this week. After packing my bags for the weekend, I went down to the kitchen. Now that I think of it, it was a bit strange that everyone was sitting around the table and looking at me :) They told me that I should put my bags in the car. When I came back, there was a huge package with pink ribbon (my favorite coulor) waiting for me on the table. As always Christine had a camera in her hands. If you want to see my reaction go to her blog.

Thank you so much Christine, this is the best surprise ever. I couldn't have asked for a greater and better friend...

Here is one of the first photos a took with my new camera of our dog Laffie. I love the lens, it's the coolest ever.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

50mm f/1.4 lens

Last night while editing some photos I came across this photo. My friend Lizelle Lotter grabbed the mouse from me and started editing the photo. I realized that this was actually a cool photo. It was taken with a 5omm f/1.4 lens I hired for my cousins wedding. This lens is a must have for all photographers. So spoil yourself this Christmas...........

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carmi & Minke

Ek het vir Carmi laas gesien toe sy nog 'n babatjie was, toe ek haar Vrydag sien kon ek nie glo sy het so groot geword nie. Dit was so lekker om die mooie sussies afteneem. Ek wou nie die kamera neer sit nie. Ek kan sommer sien klein Minke gaan net so mooi wees soos haar sussie en ma!